What to think again when people no longer can think of others. what needs to be done when the person no longer exists in good deeds. but to think about is to change and make those thoughts into action like HIM (God) do to people without thinking of his ego. amen
by : AKM teams comp.
#ingin merajut kata menjadi untaian kata indah yang tergores di selembar kertas putih oleh sebuah pena yang ku genggam dalam tangan kanan ku.
~ Want to knit words into a string of beautiful words are etched on a sheet of white paper with a pen that I hold in my right hand.
by : AKM teams comp.
# disaat kau jatuh, lupakan semua kesalahan yang kau buat hingga kau gagal, tapi ingatlah perjuanganmu untuk sukses, sama dengan jika kau sedih atau marah, lupakan tentang hal yang buruk atau hal yang membuatmu sedih atau kesal, tapi ingatlah masa-masa indah yang kau lalui dan masa-masa menyenangkan, dan ingatlah Tuhan tak pernah tidur dan membiarkan atau meninggalkan umatnya kesusahan walau kita sering meninggalkannya demi hal duniawi
~ When you fall, forget all the mistakes you made until you fail, but remember perjuanganmu to succeed, just as if you are sad or angry, forget about bad things or things that make you sad or angry, but remember those wonderful moment that you and through good times, and remember God never sleeps and allow or abandon his flock despite the difficulties we often leave for the sake of this world
by : AKM teams comp